Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am thankful for...

Tis the season to be Thankful! haha

These are all the things in life that make me really happy right now...I think I've been a grump lately and it's time to focus on the positives...

-my gorgeous husband and our fun and wonderful marriage (to add to that...the fact that a friendship turned into something so much more than I ever could have hoped for...also, that he wore Converse sneakers to our wedding)
-Our Christmas tree!
-my parents and my brothers...nuf said
-Ivy Jean...I don't even see her anymore but hearing her sass my mom through the phone is enough to turn a bad day completely around
-skinny jeans
-Christmas music
-looking at my wedding rings
-cheddar cheese (seriously...who doesn't love cheese??)
-listening to the silly songs my hubby sings all the time
-hugs and kisses whenever I want (after dealing with a long distance relationship/marriage for so's nice to know that I don't have to wait a month for either)
-dark chocolate
-shopping (having money finally is a nice feeling! haha)
-Phase 10
-my fish babies!
-sleeping in on Tuesdays and Thursdays
-my daily conversations with my Mom
-random texts from my brother
-apartment hunting (sometimes doesn't make me so happy, but I love that we get to do it together)
-hearing "I love you" as much as I do
-Facebook (yep...)

I'm sure more will come to mind!